Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Meaning Behind My Halloween Costume

I love dressing up for Halloween and my costume does not usually have a meaning behind it but this year it did so I thought I would include it in my blog tonight. This year I dressed up as as a sugar skull woman/Day of the Dead. I had seen a few people that had them as tattoos and when I found out the meaning I went and got a woman sugar skull tatoo myself! I'm spontaneous like that :)

Day of the Dead

Skulls seem evil at first glace but in many other cultures the skull has other meanings behind them such as: Strength, Power, A persons past now changed, and overcoming a tough time and even death. (you can see why I would like it :)

The sugar skull women are part skull and usually have stiches and cobwebs on their faces. This is the representation of the tough time they have been through in their life. However, they also have bright colored detailing on them.
  • Pink - means Celebration and joy
  • Red - The blood of life and a symbol of sacrifice
  • Purple or Indigo - Grief and mourning, the pain of loss and suffering
  • White - Hope, promise and purity of spirit
  • Orange - The brilliance of the sun; a new day
In Western cultures like ours, the skull and other parts of the human skeleton usually give us  feelings of fear, and danger. This is not the case for what the human skeleton and skull signifies in Latino cultures. In their culture the human skeleton is simply a symbol of what is literally within everyone; it is a way to show the inner you, the soul, acting just as a human being in the flesh might act.

This is where the makeup and bright flowers and even jewelry come into play. These things represent that did go through a difficult time...but you overcame it and have become an even more beautiful person than you were before. Isn't that cool?

To some...seeing the skullish image at first may not bring pleasant thoughts to mind. I know when I showed my mom, along with some of my friends, my skullish tattoo for the first time they thought "what on earth"! But after I told them the meaning behind it every single one of them loved the symbolism.

To me it represents exactly what my blog is all about HOPE. When you are anxious, depressed and going through some trials in your life (and maybe you even feel like you are at the brink of death) there is always that hope for a better tomorrow and a better life and that you will come out a better, stronger, more beautiful person.

God gives us HOPE when there seems to be none. ~ Happy Halloween ~ Your friend Lib


  1. Unlike others ... I thought your makeup was beautiful and impressive! And it's even more wonderful now that I know the meaning. Happy Halloween Ms. Libby!

  2. Angie soon-to-be KeithOctober 31, 2010 at 7:46 PM

    Libs you are an amazing person and an extremely happy one even though the tough things you have gone through, you my friend are an inspiration to me everyday and when things start getting to me (like this past week and probably the week to come lol) I think of you and ask myself, what would Libby do or say to make me smile. Girl just thinking of you makes me smile and I miss you and can't wait for the wedding and to get back to hanging out w/ you (and others) again. Love you girl and I know you always said that you wish we were closer in h.s. but God had a plan and made us friends now and for that I'm forever grateful!! Tell Jamie and Molly we say hi :)

    Thank you for sharing your story behind the makeup!!

  3. Libby, that is cool! You never fail to teach me something, and help to keep me young and HOPEFULL! Thank you Libby. Love ya. Brenda
