Friday, November 5, 2010


It’s funny how there is always something…every single day that makes me realize how short life is. Obviously for those of you that know me, I am probably a little more sensitive to these things but, nonetheless, the value of life is constantly shown to me on a daily basis as it was again today.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Is That a Monster in My Closet?

Do you remember as a child ever waking up in the middle of the night and finding your own room terrifying? I remember times when I did. Unfamiliar shadows and shapes would scare me. My closet door being open would be scary. (What if there was a monster in there!?) We had some very busy patterned 1970's wallpaper in our hallway and many times I would wake up and those patterns would look like a scary person was standing outside my room. lol

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Worry, Worry, Worry

Worrying...we sure can do a lot of that sometimes can't we? I go through phases and at times I have been queen of worry. That is such a shame too because God tells us not worry and to place all of our cares on Him.  I am continuously working on that.  Worry can get hold of our lives and truly hinder us.  In today's world we have so much we can worry about too. 

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

1,924 VS 13,778

We all look so forward to the weekends don't we? I know I sure do. There are many Mondays I wake up and literally think...."just make it through the week the best you can will be Friday soon."

Monday, November 1, 2010

Go Get Your Lollipop and Bubble Gum!

It was so much fun dressing us last night, as it always is, and I think what I enjoyed most was watching the little ones come up the driveway after they got first glance of me and my painted face. usual...that got me thinking. All of those little kids approached me in a different way and it made me think about how differently we all approach LIFE.

Life is an adventure and with an adventure comes uncertainty, excitement, trials, laughter, fear, sorrow, and of course HOPE.  How do you approach your adventure known as Life?...

Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Meaning Behind My Halloween Costume

I love dressing up for Halloween and my costume does not usually have a meaning behind it but this year it did so I thought I would include it in my blog tonight. This year I dressed up as as a sugar skull woman/Day of the Dead. I had seen a few people that had them as tattoos and when I found out the meaning I went and got a woman sugar skull tatoo myself! I'm spontaneous like that :)