Friday, November 5, 2010


It’s funny how there is always something…every single day that makes me realize how short life is. Obviously for those of you that know me, I am probably a little more sensitive to these things but, nonetheless, the value of life is constantly shown to me on a daily basis as it was again today.

I wish that someone could be me for a day to see how my mind works so I could see if I’m an odd duck and if anyone else’s brain does the same things as mine. I almost view life as if I were in television series. The only way I can explain it is that it is like I can almost see my life from outside myself looking down at everything that is going on around me. Now I don’t mean that literally but that is exactly how it seems. Sometimes I’m right in the middle of a comedic sitcom and other times I’m in the middle of a drama. The things that pop in my head are sometimes deep, other times quirky, sometimes sad, and other times very comical. It reminds me a little of Ally McBeal, Scrubs, Seinfeld and a documentary all combined together. My mind NEVER ever stops. Anyways…I’m rambling. As I was saying I am always reminded about the frailty of life…………

It’s Friday. payday, and I was basking in the joy that the weekend had finally arrived and I had just found out that I won the $400 basket that I had bid on at the hospital’s annual auction. I had just went and picked up my basket in the conference rooms and was proudly carrying it back up to my department when I heard over the intercom system that there was a Code Blue. Then right after I heard the announcement, two nurses ran past me at the speed of lightning. They threw open the stairwell doors and up they went as I stood there in shock. It literally stopped me in my tracks and my eyes instantly welled up with tears. Again I heard….”ATTENTION CODE BLUE!…ATTENTION CODE BLUE!” I just stood there and cried. Granted I may be more emotional today for some reason but God always seems to remind me that life is way more than just about me and my payday and basket etc etc. 

That is when my brain begins to race as it always does. When we are happy and healthy and carrying on with life there are people suffering and sick. When we are full of energy there are people exhausted and weak. Please don’t forget to pray for these people. I know this doesn’t sound very uplifting but today I just wanted to mention that we need to share our Hope with others. Many times, unless it is a family member or friend, we forget about all the people suffering in hospitals, in their homes, on the streets and all around the world. This week alone on facebook I have seen friends that have lost their father, sister, friend. I have read about illnesses and cancer. So while we are enjoying our weekend, and our family, and our friends, let’s not forget to pray for those that feel Hopeless right now. Because like I always say…

God gives us HOPE when there seems to be none. ~ Your friend, Lib

(tomorrow I will not be posting on my blog because I will be enjoying something that always gives me a ray of hope.....a wedding! :)

Have a great Saturday!!

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