Wednesday, December 1, 2010

"Adversity doesn't kill us, but the impatience with which we bear adversity."

Today I would like to share a "thought of the day" that a coworker of mine, Dennis, puts on our hospital's intranet. I read it and once again thought "Boy how true this is." and when I read things I love I want to share them with you all. This was the thought of the day.......

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Even So

I had my blog planned out for this evening and then my friend Dawne shared this awesome message with me today. (Thank you so much Dawne!) So I will post the blog I had planned on writing another night and instead I will share the following with you all.  My hope is that you are inspired by it as much as I was. It is short, simple, beautiful, truthful, and sums up everything my whole being believes. It is titled, Even so......

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Give Your Child Memories for the Holidays

You know...I have to say during this holiday season, that what you do with your children will far exceed what you could ever buy for them.