
It is very nice to meet you! I am thrilled that you have taken time out of your busy life to check out my blog. Let me introduce myself…
My name is Libby Sandridge and I am 40 years young and I am a wife to Jamie Sandridge and mother to our 16 year old Molly girl.

I am the daughter of George and Judy Hassen. I feel blessed to still have both of my parents and this November they will have been married for 57 years!
Mom and Dad (Judy & George)
Sister Tammy

Brother Chris

I am a sister to Tammy Stockwell and Chris Hassen. I am the baby of the family and was a huge surprise to my family. My siblings are 13 and 10 years older than me. I have many great memories of my brother and sister living at home but at many times have felt like an only child.

 I am from a middle class family and grew up in a modest home that I really loved . I attended Fox school from elementary through graduation and I loved it. I have vivid memories of everything from my past. I had a wonderful childhood and could not have asked for anything better. The greatest part about that statement is that my parents gave that to me even though that was not the case with their childhoods. Our house was filled with love and us kids knew that our parents were always there for us and made sure that we knew that God was too.
One night in 1984, when I was 11 years old I was watching Billy Graham on my small black and white tv (because there was nothing else on). I watched and I listened and God touched my heart and I asked Him to come into my heart right there laying in my bed. It is truly the best decision I have ever made and He hasn't left my side since.

The cancer
In 1987 I was diagnosed with cancer (osteogenic sarcoma to be exact.) Osteosarcoma is a cancerous bone tumor that usually develops during the period of rapid growth that occurs in adolescence, as a teenager matures into an adult. The average age at diagnosis is 15 (I was 14 ½). This cancer occurs most commonly in larger bones  like knees and shoulders but  mine was in my right jaw. They really hadn’t seen many cases like it back then. Radical surgery and chemotherapy was used on me. I am now part bionic woman with a jaw made of stainless steel. J  I was expected to look like a stroke victim for the rest of my life due to major nerve damage and my expected 5 year survival rate was 40%. I have so very many stories that I will eventually share with you all about those couple years of my life but what I want you to know today is that God is our Great Physician and that it is only by His grace alone that I am even alive today.  I also believe that cancer was the greatest gift ever given to me. I would never wish to have it again today but I would definitely live it all over again. That experience has formed the person I am today and I am not being boastful by saying, "I like who I am."
Jamie and Molly
 After that experience I went on to live a great, normal, teenage life…. I graduated high school…and attended college. In 1996 I married my wonderful husband Jamie and then God blessed me once again by allowing me to have Molly. Life has been good.

I still reside in Jefferson County Missouri and live in a subdivision raising my own family. A few years ago I went back to working after staying home with Molly for nine years. I work as a secretary to the couseling office at Festus High School.
It has always been a dream of mine to get my (almost finished) book that I have written published one day. However, I have decided to take bits and pieces of my book, my life experiences, and blurbs from the journal I kept when I had cancer and combine them all in a blog to encourage others. I am thrilled that you have taken interest and I hope that over the upcoming months and years we can cry together, laugh together, and mostly be encouraged together. My mission is simple....I want people to know that they are not alone, they are loved, and that God gives us HOPE when there seems to be none. ~ Lib

Also, to get to know me a little more personally here are 25 random facts about me....

1. I lived off a ventilator for a week.

2. I shaved my head bald @ 14 because I didn't want to watch my hair fall out.

3. Some random things that warm my heart are; seeing a lamp lit up in the window of a home of a stranger, Seeing a christmas tree going down the highway on the top of a person's car, Fourth of July, watching my husband laugh until he cries, seeing my parents give each other a hug, singing in church, having a stranger smile @ me, watching my daughter play in the snow, greasing up and laying in the sun, dancing, hearing my Droid ding with a message from FaceBook :0)

4. My first job was at County Seat @ South County Mall. I worked there to get 50% off of Cavaricci's and Guess Jeans.

5. Some things that aggrevate me are people who are impatient with the elderly, people who don't exercise their right to vote, pessimists, foul mouths, RADICAL protesters, laziness

6. A habit I cannot stop is biting the inside of my right cheek.

7. I suffered from post pardum depression.

8. I have a bucket list.

9. I believe in soul mates.

10. Some fears of mine are; Molly beginning to date, losing my parents, becoming a victim of a violent crime, pretty much being out of control of things.

11. I made my very first friend on the first day of kindergarten because we were wearing the same dress and we are still friends 35 years later.

12. Besides my father, my husband is the greatest man I know.

13. I liked growing up in Arnold.

14. I love tattoos and I have my entire left shoulder and arm and right wrist covered in the awesome artwork.

15. I am thankful Jesus died for me. (and for you)

16. I absolutely positively love to dance.

17. I could never have too many; handbags, shoes, friends, (in that order :0) cosmetics, perfume, blankets, pillows, chocolates, pajama pants.

18. My deepest darket secret is .... (I'll never tell)

19. I love talking to strangers. People are so interesting.

20. If someone tells me to keep a secret I actually will.

21. I love the taste of hot and spicy food and a good glass of wine.

22. I always try to empathize and try to feel what it is like to walk in someone else's shoes.

23. I hope I live a long life but I am not afraid to die.

24. One question I have a lot is How do people make it in this world without faith?

25. I like my name.