Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I apologize

I am so sorry that I  have not been blogging daily like I had planned on doing. The holidays are approaching so quickly and it has been so busy busy. I promise to get blogging daily again at the beginning of the year. Until then I get to blog a few times a week.

I sure hope that you all are doing well. A friend of mine said it best tonight when she said that holiday seasons never fail to spark up that internal conflict between feeling thankful for what you have and feeling sad for what you've lost. It can be such a joyous time and sad time all wrapped up into one.

My hope is that, as Christmas is approaching, you all will find what is true and real about this holiday and that God will help heal any of your hearts that are broken.  Have a good evening.

"He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree."  ~Roy L. Smith

God gives us HOPE when there seems to be none. ~ Your friend, Lib

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