Wednesday, August 24, 2011

You Are Special

Has anyone told you that you are special lately? or EVER for that matter. Well I can tell you that you are special even if I don't know you very well. I love that famous saying that "God Doesn't Make Junk" and I believe it whole heartedly. I know that many of you have also heard me say this ... In ALL of history there has never been, nor in the future to infinity and beyond will there EVER be another YOU!!  I find this awesome.

This means that you are unique, you are special, and you should embrace yourself, FLAWS AND ALL!

We live in a world that makes us think that we should be perfect. We should be the perfect weight, have perfect hair, the perfect job, drive the perfect car, and have a perfect family, perfect children, and a perfect life. How unrealistic is that!? And how BORING would that be!?

I look at the people that I know and they are all so different. Better yet, they are all different than me. I have said this many times too but if we only surround ourselves with people just like us we are missing out. I don't always want to talk to people with the same ideals and dreams as me. I want to hear other people's ideals and dreams. Uniqueness is one of the greatest attributes I find in people. We should not all be perfect cookie cutter cut outs of one other. Blah!

As most of you know I LOVE going to the mall. Well in the middle of the mall there is a giant candy kiosk. I always find myself staring at it as I walk by because it is full of so many different bright colored candies. They are different shapes (plump and skinny), different flavors (sweet and sour), different textures, different colors etc. and to me that is what makes it so inticing. Now if I walked up to it and there were 30 different containers of the exact same thing it would not quite have the same affect. You get the picture.

One of my goals is this life to reach as many people as possible and get them to realize that they are special just the way they are. YOU ARE SPECIAL JUST THE WAY YOU ARE! Now there is nothing wrong with wanting to improve ourselves but just as long as we are doing it for us and not because that is what the world tells us we should do. I believe that having self confidence is just simply loving yourself for you. You are are are YOU. Love yourself!

God Gives Us HOPE when there seems to be none.

Your friend ~ Libby

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