Wednesday, December 29, 2010


If you refuse to lash out when others hurt you some will think you're strange. If you choose to withhold judgment and not make rash decisions, but administer self-restraint and wait for the facts, some might wonder what you're up to. If you decide to work with certain people and attempt to understand them (even if they are a bit challenging) instead of finding ways to get them back, some might think you're wierd.

If you decide that "just because everyone else is doing it" isn't reason enough, some might call you contrary. And when you choose to take a road different than the wide, well-worn one, some may shake their heads in disbelief and wonder why you're being difficult. And if you see merit in doing something a new way, some will wonder why you want to rock the boat.

It takes strength to be YOU, to be different, to be yourself, to stand up for something, to be a leader (even if it's just being the leader of yourself.) Conforming can stifle creativity and uniqueness. Many rules are just an excuse not to change so others won't be uncomfortable. Some will discourage us from following our passions because, for some reason, they didn't follow theirs.

Shakespeare once said, "to thine own self be true and thou can't be false to any other." Joshua, in the Bible,   reminded God's people to "choose this day whom you will serve." Because choices matter.. especially concerning which "gods' we follow.

Life is about making choices. Some will be hard, life-defining, relationship enhancing, career making...or their opposite. But even if we haven't always made the best choices (and who has?) we can start anew today. And while the choices we made in our past shaped our today, the choices of today can sculpt a new tomorrow.
Thank you Dennis!!!
"You were born an ORIGINAL. Don't die a COPY."
God Gives us HOPE when there seems to be none. ~ Your friend, Lib

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