Friday, November 12, 2010

The two women exchanged the kind of glance women use when no knife is handy. ~ Ellery Queen

I'm writing this blog tonight because of something I observed today. I really think that women need to lift each other up more. Us women have so many special qualities about us but sometimes I see us being our own worst enemies.

I've seen a group of  women act so nice to another woman when she walks in the room and then rip her apart the moment she leaves "Did you see that outfit?....What on earth did she do to her hair?... She's gained a lot of weight since I last saw her.....Her husband is an alcoholic you know."  And then oh my out once you get pregnant and have a child. Many women from all over will tell you what you are doing wrong.

Now don't get me wrong...ALL women are not like this but, to all my female counterparts out there, you have to admit that from an early early age girls become so critical of one another. I see it the little 12 and 13 year old girls that have come over to our house. My husband always says that women don't get all gussied up in high fashion clothes and designer perfumes to impress their boyfriends or husbands but it is mostly to impress the other women. I would have to agree with that statement sometimes. Why are women so competitive with one another?

I'm not going to make tonights blog very long but just remember that women have fought hard over the years to be able to stand proud and walk tall and be considered a person of value. So after all of that, let's not be the ones devalueing  each other. Let's be sisters and lift each other up and give each other praises. The next time we're tempted to say something unkind about another SISTER of ours lets bite our tongues. That is my hope.

“While I know myself as a creation of God, I am also obligated to realize and remember that everyone else and everything else are also God’s creation.” ~ Maya Angelou

There is short story to go with this blog in the short story tab. I hope you will read it. It's for you.

I will not be blogging tomorrow. I take Saturday's off :)  So you all have a great, safe weekend, and if you happen to run into some of your girlfriends over the next couple of days remember to tell them how special they are.

God gives us HOPE when there seems to be none. ~ Your friend, Lib


  1. good one!!!!! I hope this posts, my others did not

  2. excellent, Libby. women NEED other women.
    I enjoy your blogs greatly.
