Thursday, November 11, 2010

Dear Mom and Dad,

Tonight I wanted to pay tribute to my dad. My dad is a funny, loyal, hardworking, God fearing, USA loving, family man. And let's not forget Marine. :) He has put his family first in his life in everything he's ever done. First in life with his immediate family and then when he had a family of his own. My dad is a rare gem because there are fewer and fewer men out there like him anymore.

We never had to wonder if our dad was coming home right after work. My dad broke the family cycle of alcoholism by making a conscience decision that his life was going to be better than the one he'd experienced. He loved the fact that my mom stayed home and worked raising us kids while he worked to provide. He loved that my mom was a stubborn lady, independent (as much as a lady was in the 1950's/60's) with ideas of her own (that's what I love about her too).  My dad led by example and showed me what kind of a man I wanted to marry. (Jamie reminds me so much of my dad) 

So this blog tonight is dedicated to my dad, George Henry Hassen. Listed below are just a few short excerpts of many, many, letters that all of us kids have from when my dad was serving in the Marines in the 1950's. It's neat that I can read these letters on this Veteran's Day and see how he was feeling, how much he loved his family, how much he loved my mom, and how it was HOPE that got him through those years. Hope for a better education, Hope for a wife, Hope for a better life. I hope you enjoy reading them.

And Dad, thank you for being EXACTLY who you are. God could not have blessed our family with a better dad than you.

Dear mom and dad letters 1956-1958
October 18th, 1956 Thursday
The command out of the Corps is coming next week so we have a parade practice scheduled for this Saturday. You know Judy(my mother)has not missed one single day in 7 months. That's really a lot of days, about 210 letters. I really am serious about her.........

October 29th, 1956 Monday
Everything is swell here, stays the same all the time. I think of all of you this All Saints Day. The age is 20 to drink here. But beer is 10 cents on the base, I'll bet dad would like that. I never even drank one yet mom. You know you don't have to worry about me......

November 2nd, 1956 Friday
It has really been hot all day today up in the 100 degrees. We have a darn parade coming up tomorrow. I'm not so chirp about that. The other day the Lieutenant let me use his car to go down to the Brig and get his prisoner that we put in there. Anyway on the way down there I really had a time. You know all the officers have a sign on their cars. Anyway everyone is supposed to salute these cars (that means even if there is a woman or a private like me) driving it. Boy did I feel like the King.......

December 26th, 1956 Wednesday
Well, did you all have a Merry Christmas? I hope so.  In your next letter can you tell me how much I have in the bank? I know it is going to be hard mom and dad but I was thinking of going to school and marrying Judy also. I want both of them so much that I think if I work at it I can have both of them. Mom, I got the fruit cake and was it ever good. The officers here at the CP also helped a little. Well it is almost 10 o'clock which means lights out. I miss everyone so much it seems pretty bad sometimes. I wish I could be there for Christmas and New Years and be with you. I have 446 day left to go in the Corps...........

March 9th, 1957 Saturday
actual newspaper clipping
of a Famous Barr ad
I hope all of you are alright. Mom, I am including a picture of the slacks I would like you to send. Maybe some day dad, you, Judy and I can come back here and really enjoy this island here.......

March 11th, 1957 Monday
They are now playing "Three Coins in the Fountain" on the radio. It gets me a little homesick. I received your letter today mom. I was surprised to get one so soon. It is good to hear that all of you are alright. I wrote Judy and told her to go to the prom at school. You know I wasn't speaking from my heart but I guess it was the right thing to do........I will see you soon.....370 days to be exact..........

September 2nd, 1957 Monday
How is the family this Labor Day? It's 9:30 in the evening here and pretty dreary weather the past few days. Mom when is dad going back to work? Tell me because you know if things get too bad I can get transferred back. Just let me know what is happening. I'm gaining weight again. I am up to 205. They are playing "Love Me to Pieces" by Joel Cory now. The one I first heard on TV remember?........

December 30th, 1957 Monday
HAPPY NEW YEAR. Boy it sure will be the best too. Not long now folks and I will see you all again. Exactly 78 days to be exact.......

January 20th, 1958 Monday
It is now taps here and another day over for me. Only 3 more working days left over here for me. It just doesn't seem like the time is almost here. I have all my things packed and ready to go. I hope you don't open the package if it beats me home. I want to open it myself and show you some things. I guess I will get my job back in April and start work again. Believe me, it will be play to what I'm use to. I'll see you real soon. I love you all very much.

Love, Georgie
CPL George Hassen 1587606 USMC
H&S CO, 1st Battalion, 4th Marine
1st Marine Brigade, FMF
c/o FPO, San Francisco , California
My 72 years old...trying to prove to us that...."Once a Marine, Always a Marine". lol
Push ups with the nose to the floor. He's still got it!

God gives us HOPE when there seems to be none. ~ Your friend, Lib

1 comment:

  1. God blessed you greatly! What a wonderful example of a man.
