Monday, November 22, 2010

The Long Road Home

You know this life is so much easier to get through when we all share with one another our trials and our fears and most importantly our conquests. So tonight's blog is from a friend of mine who gave me permission to share a writing that they did when they were going through a rough time in their life. Enjoy it. And thank you my friend for letting me share it. :)

The Long Road Home

In the journey of life there many different paths.
Obstacles are abundant. Surfaces are myriad.
Some people have specific destinations.
Some just enjoy the ride. Love being out and about.
Still others are afraid to take any road and decide to lay

For those of us who choose to sail the rough waters,
Us individuals, who search for something new,
We many soles that forge through the woods,
There inevitably will always be a yearning to come back to start.

So many times in our voyages we cannot help from thinking “what if “.
When this feeling tidal waves over us, we try to leap back to the beginning.
This time around we will have better knowledge of the pitfalls to avoid.
Have better foresight to turn away from trails with easy beginnings,
And with gainful wisdom as our ally we know we shall be better off.
It is this lie we use as our mantra. As such we start on the long road home.

If ever in this world a person could erase their logs of the trip
They would surely be doomed to repeat the history they lost.
Instead I say try not to return back to the source.
You wouldn’t like the view. That’s why we left in the first place.
Sure we took wrong turns and yes we stalled too long in some places.
The journey is still ours.
The one possession we can truly give to ourselves.

The highway to your inner freedom is out there.
The soulful joy those annoying happy people talk about exists.
It’s the area we should call home. It should be our goal.
Easily said right? Yes it is. Yet the road home is not.

I firmly believe that the mistakes we’ve made are necessary evils
As well as the ones we will tumble into tomorrow.
Take what you’ve learned on your voyage and apply it.
Remember some of those adventures were fun and worth repeating.
How boring this trek would be if it all was so perfect.

On your marathon in life, remember life is just that, a marathon.
There are no prizes for finishing first. Take your time, enjoy what you can.
Don’t be a glutton for pleasure.
However long the road is you still are responsible for making headway.

Now I don’t claim to have all the answers.
The few stated here could be wrong. I am on my own escapade home.
I will reach my spot, as will you.
And when we do, I wonder
Will we think of the road home as being so long?
Or will we instead regret that is was too damn short?
Will we think ”what if,”
Will we be washed away by feelings of remorse?
If there’s a spirit alive in us, we will.
It has nothing to do with the end result
It has everything to with the trip
To truly live one must always be on the long road home.
(written by ~ a friend whom wishes to remain anonymous)

Isn't that awesome!? How true it is.

God gives us HOPE when there seems to be none. (and so do our friends) ~ Your friend, Lib

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