Friday, November 19, 2010

Your Words Matter!

Some blogs I have to think about and others just flow so fast I can hardly type fast enough. This is one of the blogs where I just can't type fast enough.

I want everyone to know that YOUR words MATTER! Yes, I was given the gift of gab and can barely stay quiet for longer than 15 minutes so it just comes naturally for me to share on facebook or on this blog about the things I think about and things that have happened to me. But my words are of no more importance than your words.

Yes, I had cancer and it was terrible and it was trying but so many of you have been through things yourself and many of them so much worse than I have ever experienced. We all have a story and my story is not greater than anyone elses story. I have not been through, divorce, child abuse, the death of a sibling, child, or parent. I do not know what it is like to go through war, be in foster care, have a miscarraige, not be able to have children or be a mother to a special needs child.  Please don't underestimate the story of your life.

If there is one thing I have learned through social networking it is that your words matter. In just the simplest way you can encourage people that you do not even think are listening to you. My hope is that you will share your trials and your triumphs. You NEVER EVER know who you are helping with just the simplest sentence. Share with not think your words are not important....never think that people don't want to hear what you have to say. THEY DO. You have the opportunity everyday to give someone HOPE. When we share our experiences with others we build each other up and help others to feel less alone. I feel one of the greatest gifts we can give is to let people know that they are not alone.

That is what I have to say tonight.

God gives us HOPE when there seems to be none. ~ Your friend, Lib 

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