Wednesday, November 24, 2010

There Is ALWAYS Something To Be Thankful For!

Well tomorrow is already Thanksgiving. Time sure is flying by this year. It seems like we were just buying fireworks a few weeks ago. Personally I love this time of year and I love Thanksgiving. I enjoy the fact that there is a day set aside each year for us to reflect as a whole on all of the blessings we have to be thankful for. It’s too bad that many times we forget to count our blessings each and every single day. We do have so much to be thankful for you know. Even when we are going through our most trying times we can be thankful for something..........

Over the years I have found that counting my blessings is a great coping skill for myself. When I count my blessings each day and go over and over them in my head when I’m having a difficult time it makes my load feel lighter. It sheds light on the fact that things really could always be worse.

When I was suffering from cancer I was thankful that it was located in one spot and not all over my entire body. When I was so sick from the chemotherapy I was thankful that the medication was at least available to me and that it had the potential to make me well. When I didn’t have any hair it was devastating but I was thankful that it was not a permanent situation and that it would grow back. When I suffered with post partum depression after having Molly I kept thanking God that I was even able to have a baby. When Molly screamed 20 hours every single day for over two months (and that is not an exaggeration) I still kept thanking God that she was healthy and had all of her fingers and toes etc. You really can see a good side to every bad situation (sometimes it's extremely difficult but you really can). Here are just a few examples……….

Regret you got married and now you’re getting divorced? Be thankful for the awesome children you may have got out of that relationship.

Dread going to work everyday? Be thankful you have a job to pay the bills.

Have you lost your job? Be thankful for unemployment. Even though it may not be much, it’s something.

Having a hard time paying the bills? Be thankful you are healthy.

Do you have health problems? Be thankful for the medication and the doctors that care for you.

Can’t afford any gifts this holiday season? Be thankful you have your family and/or your friends and tell them personally that you are thankful for them. That is a gift itself.

Don’t have a lot of money for extras like a new car, new clothes, the latest tech toy etc? Be thankful that you have food and a roof over your head. Even if it may be someone else’s roof.

Depressed because you're overweight? Be thankful you've never felt true starvation like half the world is right now.

Do you have a family member (sister, brother, mother, father) that you consider to be a over bearing and difficult to deal with in your life? Be thankful they are still alive to annoy you. :) You would miss them if they passed away.

Have you lost a loved one lately? Be thankful that they were in your life for as long as they were and consider it an honor that you were one of the fortunate ones who got to know them while they were here on this earth. And hold on to the faith that you will see them again one day.

You get my drift. I’m not saying this is easy and I am definitely not trying to sound preachy. I am just explaining how I try and get my mind to think of things in a different way when I start feeling sorry for myself. When we are thankful for all of the things we do have it helps us not to dwell on all the things we feel we are missing. Some say it’s looking on the brighter side. I’ve even listed my blessings on paper before when I have felt really bad. Then when I’m finished I look down at the list I’ve made I think “Wow”, “Who am I to feel down or complain!?”

My HOPE is, that whatever you are going through, that you will find some way to be thankful for all of the blessings that you do have not just on Thanksgiving but every single day.

“Who does not thank for little will not thank for much.” ~ Estonian Proverb

1 Thessalonians 5:16-17
"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances."

Psalm 107:1
"Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever."

God gives us HOPE when there seems to be none. ~ Your Friend, Lib

Have a Great Thanksgiving!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Just now getting caught up out here... Another good one Libby..Amen!! :)
