Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Difficult decision making is something all of us go through at different times in our life and frankly, the whole process can be overwhelming. Here lately I've been trying to make a decision blog post for this evening.

Are you going through a hard time trying to decide on something? There are so many questions that people are asking themselves right now....should I change jobs/careers or stay?, should I allow my significant other to treat my like this anymore or should I leave?, should we be slaves to debt or should we scale down a bit? (but my gosh what would our friends and neighbors think), Should I stay home or work or work or stay home? Should we let mom or dad (grandma or grandpa) go into that nursing home or should we care for them ourselves? And for many people the question may even be, Should I live or should I die. There are SOOO many decisions weighing on peoples hearts and minds right now. You are not alone in this. But how do we know what to do in times like these?????

What should I do???
Well for one, we should definitely pray about it. God knows what is best for us and we should think about asking Him. We ask our friends and family for advice and then we have a tendency to leave out the one person who can actually foresee our future. God gives us answers we just need to tune in and listen to what they are. God's voice isn't all that difficult to hear. In fact, you almost have to be closing your eyes and putting your hands over your ears to miss it.

God tells us to "be still".  Sometimes His most meaningful touch on our lives comes when we are all alone. Have you ever had a gut feeling about something? Or at times maybe when you are thinking about one thing a sense of peace comes over you and while thinking of another thing you become anxious. God tries to speak to us through these different ways. When you hear someone say that God spoke to them, they do not mean that He picked up a megaphone and shouted down from the heavens. (although He could if He wanted to). God gives us the answers that we need but sometimes we just don't want to listen to that little voice if the answer is not the answer we are really wanting. I've done that before!...and when I go against my "gut" usually never works out.

So I ask all of you, if you are going through a difficult decision making process, ask God to help you and then listen to Him. When you have prayed and really listened to your gut instinct or your intuition or all of those other titles that the world has placed on God's voice, "be still" and listen even more because He is giving you your answer. Then you can make a decision that brings you peace and when you are at peace you will know that you have listened to your God who loves you very much.

Here is a verse that I have always loved to read when I am having a hard time making a decision. Psalms 32:8 "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you." says the Lord. Awesome isn't it?! I have also included a poem called Don't Look Back that goes with tonight's blog and it is under the POEM tab at the top of the page. I hope you all will read that and be blessed by that as well.

God gives us Hope when there seems to be none ~ Your Friend Lib

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