Sunday, September 16, 2012


Yesterday the hubby and I had the opportunity to share some balloons with the kiddos and some information about our church with the community at the Arnold Days fair. We had a Spirit of Saint Louis Church booth, front and center, and people had to pass us in order to get the section of the park with all of the rides. I thought this was fabulous because this was my opportunity to smile to a bunch of people, show some kindness, tie some balloons on some little wrists and strollers, and casually hand people a card that had the name, location, and service times of our church. I would say that 75% of the people were very kind and receptive and accepting of the little 4X5 cards even if they may not have been interested..... but it was the other 25% that had me in a bit of amazement.
I would stand there and watch and I found myself doing my own little social experiment. There I stood...quite harmless.... I had 5-7 colorful balloons in one hand and a smile on my face. I was in jeans and a t-shirt and I even have some ink up and down my arms. I was standing near our booth with music jamming behind me (songs like Michael Jackson's Black or White, the Cupid Shuffle, and U2's It's A Beatiful Day) yet I would watch as these 25% would dodge me. Some would begin walking faster with their kids in their strollers. Some would make certain not to make any eye contact with me. I just smiled at one man and he responded with "I talk to God every day thank you." ???? I hadn't even said anything lol. Then one person actually walked up to me smiling, arm reached out, wanting what I had in my hand. So I gave it to him saying here is some information on our church. As soon as he heard the word church and the card hit his palm, he dropped it on the ground like it was going to burn a hole through his hand.
I just found it all so fascinating and strange how a few of these people were reacting and I really was wondering why. I guess because I am always willing to listen to what people have to say or offer to me. I may not agree once I hear it but I don't freak out. If you are a Jehovah Witness and come knock on my door... I will not slam it in your face. If you approach me and ask if I am a registered voter in Jefferson County I will answer your question. If you are a politician I am quite interested in your political views, so yes, you can tell me about them. So I was quite perplexed as to why some people looked at me so angrily...some as if I was invisible.... and some as if I had some supernatural power that was going to get them to do something they didn't want to do. lol...I wish ;)
Christians have a bad wrap sometimes with the public saying that we are close minded people. I believe now more than ever that statement goes both ways. People's eyes were drawn towards the colorful balloons and the music but as soon as some people saw that our shirts and our signs read "Our Church Is Kind Of A Big Deal" and saw that dreaded word "CHURCH" they immediately began to walk faster, move their heads the other direction, and even tell their children and grandchildren that NO, they could not have a FREE balloon. I then began to make it my mission to go ahead and go up to these people trying to dodge me and hand their kiddo a balloon and smile and wish them a good day. One, because it is my passion and I love to share information about my church and be completely honest because I am not perfect and I am stubborn.  If  I saw someone turn their head as to not see me, I made myself visible :) and handed them a Waffle House coupon.
After a little bit of this "putting myself out there" (which can be a little bit difficult even for an outgoing person like myself) some of the hesitant people actually began asking me the question that was written on the back of my shirt.... "OK, so why is your church a big a deal?" and I got to tell them!! I also made sure that I told everyone that if you believe yourself to be perfect then we were not the church for them. :) And that is the TRUTH! I also practically skipped my way over to a group of "Son's on Anarchyish" Harley men just to hand them my SOS cards. They treated me not so well and then turned me down....EXCEPT...... for one of them, who as I was turning away, grabbed my arm and said "nice ink...and hey...don't let them bother you I believe all of us could use some church every now and then." and he took my card!!! :)  Then I promised him it was just an informational card and it was not telling him he was going to hell or anything like that and we both laughed. Well, he showed up at church today!! He didn't want to fill out one of our visitor cards but he did come and listen to a message that told him that he is loved, that we all are a little jacked up, but that our Creator loves us still. THAT MY FRIENDS WAS WORTH GOING OUT OF MY COMFORT ZONE!!! 
Now let me clarify by saying that yesterday was a very positive, fun, day and most all people were very friendly and kind and quite a few families visited our church this morning!! I mainly wanted to post this for three reasons really. One...don't be so closed minded that you could pass up an opportunity for someone to be nice to you. whatever you do, have passion for what you believe in and step out of your comfort zone. It is worth it! And three...this experience proved to me once again that the name of God has power. It can make people cringe, it can make people feel uncomfortable, it can make people smile and it can make peope cry and fall to their knees. Either way His name is powerful. I am so thankful for that!!!
God Gives Us Hope (and courage :) When There Seems To Be None ~ Your Friend Libby