Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Little Bit of George Bailey Has Been in All of Us

I just finished  watching It's a Wonderful Life. I absolutely love that movie and I cry every time I see it. I'm sure most all of you have seen it at one time or another but it is annual tradition for myself. For those of you that maybe haven't seen it I will just summarize a bit.

In the beginning you feel so sorry for poor, young George. He had big plans for his life. But of course (as goes with Life) the plans changed without his consent. George became def in one ear, his father has a stroke and dies, he is trying to save the family business his dad worked so hard at keeping, his good friend from school is very successful and drives a fancy car and gets to do all the traveling that George always wanted to do, his house is drafty and needs some work, his little girl is sick, there was such a huge mistake made by one of the employees at work that it's probably going to put him out of business, his brother is fighting in the war, and he wrecks his car. George is so upset and desperate that he is at the end of his rope so he is contemplating taking his own life. Does that sound like anyone you may know? Heck....does it sound anything like you? People go into the hospital everyday with unsuccessful attempts at suicide. Life sometimes can feel as though it is unbearable and so people would just rather not live. That's where my favorite part of the movie comes into play. Clarence the Angel shows George all of the things that would be effected if George were not around. Suddenly George's eyes are opened.

If you were not around anymore do you know how many people would be effected? You may feel like you are all alone at times but many times our brain feeds us those thoughts and they are not accurate. You have people that would be devastated if you were not longer here on this earth. Think about your children if you have them, people in your family (even if it's just a few), your friends (even if it's just one). You are needed by someone. There is a purpose for you on this earth. Even if that purpose may be just to love another human being. Please think about that.

Well, George decides not to commit suicide. He comes to the realization that he is blessed with what he already has. He runs through town back to his home and after he gets there he is surrounded by people that care about him. Then my favorite part of the movie is when his brother makes a toast and says, "To George....the richest man in town."  (and then I cry of course) Because it is so true. It is the people that love us, our children, our family, our home (no matter how drafty or small) that makes us rich. There are many wealthy people that are poor. My HOPE is that we all (myself included) will constantly be reminded of just how very rich we are, that our life matters to someone besides ourself, and that we are on this earth for reasons that are bigger than ourself.

If  you don't have the time or want to watch It's a Wonderful Life this year, here is a 5 minute clip from the end of the movie. I hope it warms your heart.

Proverbs 19:21
Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails.

God gives us HOPE when there seems to be none. ~ Your friend, Lib

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